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DNA - agencja pracy tymczasowej - Rekrutacje stałe


Temporary employees and their work are governed by the Temporary Employees’ Employment Act; this solution is, however, extremely straightforward – it is a combination of three links: a temporary employee, a temp agency and a company with a temporary job opening.

The core of the solution

A temporary employee hired by a temp agency is seconded to work for and under the supervision of the temp agency’s Client, i.e. the employer – user. However, it is the temp agency that is responsible for fulfilling any and all duties related to hiring the temporary employee and the related payroll and HR services. Employers are satisfied with that solution due to its flexibility and the possibility of filling unexpected vacancies. The solution is at the same time beneficial to employees. Temporary staffing is a solution that allows to reconcile work to study or parental duties. It is an opportunity to enter the labor market and acquire valuable experience. It is also a chance to earn extra income.

Measurable benefits

A temp worker can replace an office worker, a secretary, an assistant, a receptionist or a telemarketer as well as an IT specialist. This solution allows to quickly respond in case of a vacancy and make a qualified employee accurately attuned to the employer’s current needs.

Contact DNA – temp agency and submit your RFQs! We act quickly and accurately. We are certain that in our database comprising over 10 000 staff we will find a perfect temp worker for you who will successfully fill your vacancy!